
5 Reasons to Install a Retractable Central Vacuum Hose

What’s the worst part of vacuuming? Ask anyone and they will likely say that it’s lugging a heavy vacuum around their home, constantly looking for yet another outlet to plug it into. This doesn’t have to be the case anymore. Switch to a retractable central vacuum hose, and you’ll never have to worry about this again. It really will change all of your cleaning needs!

Simply imagine a world with no cords … and we can make it happen for you. At Gary’s Vacuflo, we want to give you this easier life, and with our retractable vacuum hose systems, we are doing just that.

No More Lugging

We touched on this a bit, but it’s one of the most important benefits of installing a retractable central vacuum hose in your home. Lugging a heavy vacuum around your house is tiresome and can be dangerous. Think about it—how many times have you been caught up in the cords and tripped or almost tripped? Let’s not even talk about having to go up and down stairs with your machine.

Those pesky cords are no longer a problem with a central vacuum and retractable hose, as there is no bulky hose that you need to carry around. The hose itself is hidden in the tubing of the system. It won’t get tangled anymore, nor will it get caught around your feet or on anything else.

Additionally, when you’re done vacuuming, you don’t need to carry your machine all the way back to where you store it. The retractable central vacuum hose just sucks itself back into the wall. This also saves space in your closet, allowing you to use that space for other household items.

No More Switching Outlets

Gone are the days when you must continuously bend to plug in and unplug your vacuum cord, depending on where in your home you need to go. You don’t need to waste your time on this aspect anymore, which makes your cleanup even more efficient. It doesn’t matter what corner you’re going to or what area of your home you are in. This is because with the retractable vacuum you can attach the hose directly to the inlet in your wall. You’re able to choose where you want inlets to be installed, and who better to do that than you—the person who will be cleaning your home?

You can choose a central location that you know will reach all the areas that it needs to. Plus, there’s an extendable hose that will allow you to easily clean multiple rooms in just one go—again, without all the outlet switching!

No More Coiling Your Cords

Yet another perk of not having cords is that you don’t have to worry about coiling them up at the end when you’re done vacuuming. Think of all the time that you’ve spent hunched down, coiling and uncoiling the cords for what may seem like an eternity. Plus, it never really comes out flat, does it? There’s always that one area of the cords that are sticking out or that are causing an issue. That’s no longer the case.

With retractable hoses, all you need to do is seal off the system, and it will zip the hose back into the wall itself. You don’t even need to walk it over, push it into the wall, or do anything manually. It does it all on its own! All it takes is putting your hand on the end of the hose to seal the system—it really is like magic!

Our retractable hose system was introduced about 15 years ago. It uses the suction of the vacuum system to retract the hose back into the pipe that’s installed in your wall.

A Better Clean for Your Home

Since the retractable central vacuum system is installed in your wall, the hose can be much longer than a normal vacuum’s hose. It can be up to 50 feet long. This will cover about 2,000 square feet of your home. Due to being able to cover this large space, you may be able to clean the entire floor of your home in one shot! This can allow for a better clean too, ensuring that you get every area that you need to.

Plus, without bags or filters, once the gunk is sucked up into the hose, it’s gone from your home forever. You’re not running the risk of some dust or grime sneaking out of the bag or filter when you empty it, as you may be with other vacuums.

It Is Longer Lasting

You might think that a system like this is much more delicate than a traditional vacuum cleaner, but it actually receives less wear and tear. This is because the only thing being used is the suction of the system itself to retract the hose back into the pipe in the wall. You aren’t lugging it across your home, causing friction with your floor, or worse, potentially damaging your floor or furniture. Plus, it is suction itself that retracts the hose; you don’t run the risk of any mechanical failures.

If you aren’t a fan of vacuuming, installing a retractable central vacuum hose in your home may be the solution for you. Vacuuming is something that we all must deal with; however, it doesn’t have to be a large burden. It can be made easy, and that’s where we come in to help.

With our retractable central vacuum hose, all you need to do is open the inlet door, which is installed in a convenient location of your choosing, pull out the amount of hose that will allow you to get the best clean in your home, and then vacuum away. When you’re done, simply place your hand on the end of the hose to seal the system. The hose itself will then just zip back into the wall. It may seem more like you’re playing rather than cleaning! Who says vacuuming can’t be fun? Give us a call today and we can tell you more about getting a retractable central vacuum hose installed in your home.

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