If you’ve never lived in a home with a central vacuum system, you may not fully understand all the benefits it has to offer. But once you’ve experienced one firsthand, it’s easy to see why central vacuum systems are so popular with homeowners. For more than three decades, Gary’s Vacuflo has been transforming Portland-area homes by installing these powerful systems. We’ll explain how it can work wonders for your home.
But first, if you’ve never had one installed, you may be wondering what a central vacuum system is. It’s basically a whole-house vacuum with pipes running through your home’s interior walls. Those pipes are connected to the system’s central unit, usually stored in a basement or garage. Each room typically has a suction port for you to attach a hose to when you vacuum the area. Once you’re finished, you simply detach the hose and move on.
Now that you understand a little more about how the system functions, let’s explain why you should have one installed. Here are our top five reasons you should upgrade to a central vacuum system.
1. Convenience
Who enjoys schlepping a portable vacuum cleaner from room to room? We know we don’t. Central vacuum systems are convenient because of their ease of use. Instead of having to lug your vacuum cleaner from room to room, or up the stairs, you can simply attach a hose to the suction ports installed on the walls of your home. The ease of use makes a central vacuum system a perfect option for someone with mobility issues or anyone looking to take a break from the rigors of housecleaning.
In fact, Gary’s Vacuflo makes things even easier for those who want to vacuum without carrying around anything at all. Our retractable hose system features a space-saving retractable hose that stores up to 50 feet of hose within tubing inside the wall. When you’re ready to vacuum, you simply pull the hose out and attach a TurboCat powerhead. When you’re done, the suction from the Vacuflo central vacuum power unit will retract the hose back into the wall.
That’s it; you’re all done! It’s really as easy as that.
2. Performance
One of the best features of a central vacuum system is its sheer power. Ever feel like you have to vacuum the same spot over and over again to suck up all the dirt and dust? Well, with a central vacuum system, you won’t have to worry about getting the job done. Central vacuum systems are equipped with large, powerful motors that collect more dirt, dust, and debris than portable vacuum cleaners.
With its powerful performance capabilities, you might expect a central vacuum unit to make a lot of noise. But the exact opposite is true. Central vacuum systems are far quieter than the portable counterparts. Traditional vacuum cleaners are typically disruptive—they can startle children or pets, as well as interfere with phone conversations or television programs, because of all the noise they make.
With a central vacuum cleaner, you needn’t worry about waking up a napping child or otherwise disturbing someone in your home. That’s because central vacuum systems deliver powerful performance while also giving you peace and quiet.
3. Indoor Air Quality
Because of their powerful performance qualities, central vacuum systems can actually improve your indoor air quality and, as a result, your health. Our units remove 100% of vacuumed dust and allergens from your home. This means that allergy sufferers and those who experience respiratory problems will be able to breathe a little easier when a central vacuum system is installed in the home. In fact, studies have shown that central vacuum systems can help alleviate a variety of ailments and even improve sleep patterns.
4. Versatility
With a traditional vacuum cleaner, it can be tough to reach every nook and cranny of your home. Central vacuum systems, however, are compatible with a variety of attachments so that you can easily navigate those tough-to-reach places. Our crevice tools, for instance, will make sure you’re able to vacuum every last spot. It’s just one more reason central vacuum systems operate so effectively and efficiently.
In addition to the ability to reach practically every spot of your home’s surface, central vacuum systems can also be used on virtually every type of surface. Some portable vacuum cleaners are only suitable for carpet flooring. But central vacuum systems can be used on carpeting, hard surfaces, upholstery, and more. Now you can get rid of that handheld vacuum, your old upright vacuum, and anything else you have taking up space in the storage closet. A central vacuum system is the only one you’ll need from now on.
5. Value
Central vacuum systems are an investment. But the initial cost of upgrading to a central vacuum system can easily be recovered. That’s because central vacuum systems can increase the resale value of your home. They also last much longer than your average vacuum cleaner.
Another way central vacuum systems can save you money is by extending the lifespan of your home furnishings. Because central vacuum systems are so powerful and are safe to use on upholstery, they are able to remove dirt and debris from your furniture that other vacuum cleaners leave behind. This means your furniture will last much longer because you’ll be better equipped to keep your furniture in its original condition.
Just when you thought a robotic vacuum would do the trick … we’re able to offer something even better. There really isn’t any type of vacuum cleaner that lasts longer or performs better than a central vacuum system. Those who have tried it agree. Not only do central vacuum systems simplify the task of house cleaning, but they also help you to relax and breathe a little easier.
So toss out your portable vacuum cleaner or give it to a neighbor. Because once you try out our central vac, there will definitely be no going back.