
central vacuum benefits tag

Central vacuum hose being plugged into inlet.

Prepare Your Home for Professional Central Vacuum Installation

If you’ve made the decision to switch to a central vacuum system for your home, it’s likely that you’ve already spent some time researching the many benefits of this wonderful method of keeping your home clean. You’ve looked into the positive effects it will have upon your family’s health and the value of your home… Read more.

5 Reasons to Upgrade to a Central Vacuum System

5 Reasons to Upgrade to a Central Vacuum System

If you’ve never lived in a home with a central vacuum system, you may not fully understand all the benefits it has to offer. But once you’ve experienced one firsthand, it’s easy to see why central vacuum systems are so popular with homeowners. For more than three decades, Gary’s Vacuflo has been transforming Portland-area homes… Read more.

The Retractable Vacuum Hose is Just One of Many Vacuflo Benefits

The Retractable Vacuum Hose is Just One of Many Vacuflo Benefits

Is vacuuming your least favorite household chore? This is the case for many. Some couples even bargain to clean the bathroom instead – another dreaded spot to tackle. But why is it deemed such a hassle, a literal chore? The dictionary defines a chore as an “unpleasant but necessary task,” but what if we could… Read more.