If you’ve made the decision to switch to a central vacuum system for your home, it’s likely that you’ve already spent some time researching the many benefits of this wonderful method of keeping your home clean. You’ve looked into the positive effects it will have upon your family’s health and the value of your home and the obvious convenience factor. Now, you just need to know what steps to take next.
On the other hand, you may not have quite decided to have central vacuum installation in your home. Perhaps you’re just beginning your research, or perhaps you have done some but have a bit more to do before you make any decisions. Perhaps you are wondering just how easy (or difficult) it is to have a central vacuum installed or what steps you will have to take before it can be done.
In either case, this article is for you. Here’s what you need to know before a professional central vacuum installation.
What Is a Central Vacuum?
A central vacuum is a built-in system that serves to replace portable vacuums inside buildings. A central power unit is installed somewhere in an out-of-the-way location, often a basement or attic, and then a system of tubing is run throughout the home, hidden within the walls, that terminates in inlets that are built into the walls.
The vacuum hose can be connected to any of these inlets, and the system usually switches on automatically when the door is opened or the hose is connected. This creates suction that allows you to clean the room without having to carry a portable vacuum from place to place.
The tubing system that is set up draws dirt that has been vacuumed away over to the central unit. Periodically, the bag must be removed and emptied out. However, this bag is a great deal larger than the one in a portable vacuum and does not need to be emptied as often.
What Are the Benefits?
The benefits of central vacuum installation are many. We’ve mentioned the positive effect it will have upon the health of a home’s inhabitants. This is because, unlike a traditional vacuum cleaner, a central vacuum doesn’t blast exhaust air back into the room where it’s being used. When this happens, the portable vacuum throws dust back into the air while it’s cleaning, exacerbating allergies and other respiratory issues. A central vacuum doesn’t have this problem, as the central unit is far away from the room that’s being cleaned at that moment.
We also mentioned the convenience that a central vacuum has over other methods of home cleaning. It will no longer be necessary to lug a heavy portable vacuum from room to room and search for an outlet. It will also reduce the number of times you need to change the bag, meaning less work overall and much faster cleanup.
Finally, there’s the fact that a central vacuum, being a much larger motor, is more powerful than any other type of vacuum cleaner. This means it will get your home cleaner and may also mean you have less cleaning to do overall. Once again, this speaks to the convenience factor while also potentially boosting the value of your home: having a built-in central vacuum means prospective buyers may be willing to pay more for the property.
Who Does the Installation?
You need a trained professional to install your central vacuum, from a company such as Gary’s Vacuflo. It can be an invasive process, so if you don’t have an experienced team performing the job, it may leave your home in a state of disrepair. A good team of central vacuum technicians can get the job done in a quick and efficient manner, while also leaving little trace of its presence in your home.
The installation seems like a huge task but can often be completed in less than a day by a skilled group of installers. It’s recommended you contact the team you are considering and discuss the project with them ahead of time. They’ll be able to offer a quote on the work and recommend which type of vacuum will be best for your home.
Preparing for Installation
Preparing your home for central vacuum installation shouldn’t take too much effort, but ultimately, that depends on a number of factors. The best time to have the installation done is actually when the property is being built. During the construction process, your technicians can find a dedicated location for the central vacuum unit and install the tubing within the walls without having to remove anything or cut into the sheetrock.
The next best time to install a central vacuum unit is during a large remodel. Likely, walls will be removed and rooms will be changed around as a part of this process, and it’s a relatively easy task for your installers to slip in and add a central vacuum as a part of this process.
Even if you have an already-constructed home and aren’t planning on a remodel, your dedicated central vacuum installers can get the job done in a minimally invasive manner. Your task, then, to prepare for this installation will be to decide on a spot for the central unit. Usually, a basement or similar out-of-the-way spot is the best for this. You will also need to figure out where you will store the vacuum hoses so that they’ll be easily accessible during the cleaning process. A retractable hose might be to consider too.
You should also decide where the inlets will go. Opt for spots that are easily accessible, both because this will make the cleaning process easier and because this will keep the installation costs down. The more difficult the inlet is to install, the more it will cost to have the job done.
Finally, discuss paperwork such as payment and warranties with the professionals from Gary’s Vacuflo. We can also advise you about the maintenance and care of your new central vacuum. Then you can sit back and enjoy the thought of all the time and money you’ll save with your new central vacuum system.
Tags: central vacuum benefits, central vacuum installation, Professional Installation